Growing up I thought my uncles were crazy AF! I used to laugh and crack jokes at their expense. They would show up to the cookouts, family reunions, weddings, funerals, ect…you get it the point! All the events where the fam would get together. Their outfits would be “casket sharp clean”, as they like to say.

Think old dude in the club, trying to holla at the young girls type apparel, and that kinda gives you an idea what I’m talking about.
However; that “fit” as the kids now say, would not be complete without the signature hat. Which would be the classic Kangol or the Fedora.
But that was just the dress-up events, Wait til you saw them at the cookout. Their BBQ gear would be next level, with shorts and high tube, 70’s basketball with the different color stripes, type socks.
They always had a face towel/washcloth to wipe away the sweat. Their shirts would be some kind of short-sleeve button-down, with the top three or four buttons undone. The “wife-beater” tank tops would be hanging out just underneath, breaking through because of the open buttons.
Which of course meant the “taco meat would be on full display for everyone to see.

My uncles were always sipping on something, and by something, I’m talking about brown L-I-Q-U-O-R. They always had a red cup or a brown paper bag in their hands. That good “drank” had their s*** talking game on point. Whether it was at the spades table or just in general. They would go on and on about the good ole days. They would talk and talk about all of their old flames back in the day and about the music of their era. How they didn’t make music the same anymore and how the new artist were trash.
Me and some of my boy were recently reminiscing about our Krazy a** uncles. Then it hit us like a ton of brick……