Waaaaaaaiiiiiiitttttttttt!! I know what you’re thinking. But before you freak out, let me make it clear. In the words of the Real House Wife franchise G-O-A-T…
Don’t get me wrong as a father, I definitely think fathers deserve to be honored. I don’t have a problem with that aspect of the day. My problem is that fathers get the short end of the stick. In fact, some fathers don’t even get a piece of the short stick.
You’ve got some mothers who try to hijack the day.

Fathers don’t go around wishing each other a Happy Mother’s Day.
Let’s look at the numbers: The National Retail Federation estimates In 2019, it was people spent around $25 billion on mom. Which translates into about $200 dollars spent on each mom. Mother’s Day is also the second-largest Floral Holiday in the US. If you don’t get those brunch or dinner reservations early, you can forget about going out to eat. If you are lucky enough to make it inside a restaurant, they’re always packed. Moms everywhere, feeling all of the love.
It’s also amazing how almost every business has specials and commercials, geared at guilting you into, “making it rain for mom.” I probably could have used a different analogy there but whatever.
When it comes to dear old Dad, “all he gets is the big piece of chicken,” lol. The spending on Father’s Day is a lot less. In 2019 Fathers Day spending was a measly 16 billion. Do dads get a fresh bouquet of flowers hell no! If you decide to go out to a restaurant, they’re always wide open. So empty you can see tumbleweeds rolling by.

I remember one year when my family took me out for lunch when we showed up to the restaurant, the waiter asked if we were out celebrating anything.

I said we’re here for Father’s Day and he looked surprised. Then he said, I totally forgot about Father’s Day. WTF???
While mom doesn’t have to cook and gets the day off, dads end up sweating outside on the grill. So let me get this straight, not only do we not get the same type of pampering and gifts as a mom; we also have to grill up our own steaks.
How about this we all agree to do better and take Father’s Day more seriously. How about we make Father’s Day Great Again. To be honest tho when was it ever great? How about we buy dad some flowers. I’m sure there are some sports or hunting themed floral arrangements out there. How about taking dad to have a spa day. More and more men are treating themselves to relaxation days. My goal with all of this is to bring some awareness to this huge issue. Read my lips….You should pamper your father or at least ask him what he wants, so you can make his day special. Put some thought into his gifts for once.
Whatever you do, please don’t just go to the 99 cent store and buy him another ugly a*# tie and some lame socks. Can we officially take toolsets off the gift list too?
I’m the Krazy Drunk Uncle and I approve this message.